How To Make A Mishloach Manot - Our Tips For Purim Baskets
Traditionally, Mishloach Manot (commonly known as Shalach Manot) is the sending of gifts of food and drink to family members, friends and others for the joyous jewish holiday of Purim. The giving of Purim baskets is a tradition revered by many with its beginnings rooted in the uniting of the Jewish Community.
Mishloach Manot typically contain a variety of food items - including two items of food and a drink (ideally foods that do not require preparation). Recently, the giving of Mishloach Manot has expanded to more creative baskets put together to give friends and family something extra special. In celebration of Purim, we’ve put together our top tips on creating a Mishloach Manot to remember!
Think Ahead
Thinking ahead is a critical part of creating Mishloach Manot baskets. Decide early who you’ll be sending your Purim baskets to and make a list of your recipients and what you’ll be putting in their baskets. Doing this will keep you organized and on track to only buy the necessary items for your baskets and give you the ability to plan out a themed basket, or order your necessary supplies.
Make Purim Cards
While making Purim Cards is not a must for your Mishloach Manot, there’s something undeniably personal about receiving a card with your gift. Personalizing cards to be placed in your Mishloach Manot adds a special touch to your basket and is a fantastic opportunity to share in the Purim festivity.
Consider the Purim Mitzvah of Matanot L’evyonim
An addition that would enhance any Mishloach Manot - and keep in line with the Purim Mitzvah of Matanot L’evyonim (gifts to the needy) is making a donation on behalf of your Mishloach Manot recipient. Placing a card or note inside their basket with the mention of your donation on their behalf embraces the Purim spirit and give you an opportunity to give to charities you support.
Include Your Kosher Favorites from Green’s Babka
From kosher chocolate and cinnamon babka to rainbow cookies and rugelach, an essential in your Mishloach Manot is baked goods from Green’s Babka! Our products are baked fresh daily, in a nut-free and dairy-free environment, making them the perfect addition to spread Purim joy!